ホーム > 最新情報 > 【2023/4/6】LL.M.説明会(オンライン)のご案内/LL.M. Program Online Information Session


【2023/4/6】LL.M.説明会(オンライン)のご案内/LL.M. Program Online Information Session



 Keio University Law School (KLS) launched a new Master of Laws (LL.M.) program in Global Legal Practice in April, 2017. The new program will permit a select number of students to obtain an LL.M degree in one year, with instruction entirely in English, and is the first of its kind offered at a law school in Japan. The inaugural class is composed of students from across the globe. They are studying at Mita Campus together with exchange students also from various countries.

We will be holding LL.M. Program online information session.

2023年4月6日(木)18:30-19:30 /April 6, 2023 (Thu) 6:30pm- 7:30pm JST
   ご挨拶 / Opening Remarks
   プログラム説明 / Information Session
   修了生の体験談 / Voices from Alumni
   質疑応答 / Q & A Session

●使用言語/Language :
英語 / English

●事前申込/Preliminary Application :
参加希望の方は、件名を「Application to LL.M. program information session」とし、ご所属(学生の方は学部・学科・学年)、お名前、ご連絡先を明記の上、前日4月5日(水)17時までに下記アドレス[ls_llm@info.keio.ac.jp]までご連絡ください。
Please register before April 5, 5PM JST by sending an e-mail to [ls_llm@info.keio.ac.jp] with your full name, affiliation and country. The title of the e-mail should be "Application to LL.M. program information session".

●LL.M.入試情報 / LL.M. Admissions:
All the latest admission information can be downloaded from here.

For inquiries on LL.M. admission, contact us at [ls_admissions@info.keio.ac.jp]

After the Information Session, we will update the information on LL.M. website.

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