From April, 2017, Keio University Law School (KLS) will establish a master's degree program (LL.M.) in Global Legal Practice. The new program will permit a select number of students to obtain an LL.M degree in one year, with instruction entirely in English, and is the first of its kind offered at a law school in Japan.
We will be holding LL.M. Program information session. Details are as follows.
2017年4月22日(土)10:00-12:00 /Saturday, April 22, 2017 10:00-12:00
10:00-11:00(JST) プログラム説明(日英)/Information Session (in Japanese and English)
11:00-12:00(JST) 模擬授業(英語)/Mock class(in English)
慶應義塾大学 三田キャンパス / Keio University Mita Campus
南館地下4階ディスタンスラーニング室/South Building 4th Basement Floor Distance Learning Room
[同時中継] 慶應義塾大学大阪シティキャンパス/KEIO Osaka City Campus(website only in Japanese)
*We welcome participants to visit Osaka too.
●事前申込/Preliminary Application :
不要/Not required
★LL.M.パンフレット /brochure(English)
★LL.M. Program Overview and Trailer
*After the Information Session on April 22, 2017, we will update the information on LL.M. website.