Keio University Law School (KLS) submitted an application to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) to launch a new Master of Laws (LL.M.) program in Global Legal Practice beginning April 2017. The application was approved on August 31. The new program will permit a select number of students to obtain an LL.M degree in one year, with instruction entirely in English, and is the first of its kind offered at a law school in Japan.
We will be holding LL.M. Program information session. Details are as follows.
2016年10月1日(土) /Saturday, October 1, 2016
13:00-14:00(JST) プログラム説明(日本語)/Information Session (in Japanese)
14:00-15:00(JST) 模擬授業(英語)/Mock class(in English)
15:00-16:00(JST) プログラム説明(英語)/Information Session (in English)
※LL.M.担当教員やスタッフと直接面談して日本語と英語でご質問いただく機会を設けています。 ご希望の方は説明会前後に会場にてお声掛けください。
*At our information session, you will meet our program faculty and staff and have plenty of opportunities to ask questions in both English and Japanese. To ask questions, please contact our staff at the information session.
日本 慶應義塾大学 三田キャンパス /Japan Keio University Mita Campus
南館地下4階ディスタンスラーニング室/South Building 4th Basement Floor Distance Learning Room
[同時中継] 日本 慶應義塾大学大阪シティキャンパス/KEIO Osaka City Campus(website only in Japanese)
[同時中継] ベトナム ハノイ法科大学/Vietnam Hanoi Law University
*We are planning to provide a simulcast live connecting the three venues, so we welcome participants to visit Osaka and Hanoi too.
<参加お申込フォーム/ Registration Form>
●説明会の内容/Session Details:
慶應義塾大学及び慶應法科大学院について/Introduction of Keio University and Keio University Law School
LL. M. コースの概要と特色/Outline and features of the LL.M. program
担当教員の顔ぶれ /Faculty Lineup
入学予定者像と修了後の進路/Target Students and career opportunities after LL.M. program
入試の流れ/Schedule for applications
学費やその他の費用/Tuition and Fees
海外パートナースクールとの間のDDや単位互換制度/Double Degree and Credit Transfer System arrangements with our partner law schools around the world
JDコースとの関係/Relationship with J.D. program
Please make a reservation by entering the following registration form.
<参加お申込フォーム/ Registration Form>
★LL.M.パンフレット /brochure(English)
★LL.M. Program Overview and Trailer
*After the Information Session on October 1, 2016, we will update the information on LL.M. website.